Monday, 25 August 2008

Olympics 2008 China to 2012 London

Mungkan Olympics Poe'' mo'' re Laha mang mae'' d-xe khyaug' ba kad' ru 24th Aug (L-ban) ba re ping'' va''. Olympics mae Qhang jhaung qhu'' myo'' thao'' wa ;

First =L-ha
Second =Ame:ri'kan
Third = Russia
Fourth = Great Bratain

bam ngad' ko'' ga'', ce-ra'' poe'' mo'' re byid zin re d-lhang kad' ru ngad' ra'', dam joe'' lo nae'' 2012 re wa England mang: London myu' mo'' mae'' ngad. Jhid'de, ra'' Lhaovo byu myu'' mao; nhaung bam a-lab' re Olympics li'' vo'' vu'' nae'' qhid' mae thaug' qhao na g-lang ein qam byid nug ra'' o''..

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Lhaovo tung''ce'

This is how we use Vowels in Lhaovo,

ae = yes

ai = that

ao = Nao = you

au = aung = win or can

ei = ai hei'' ru = that much big

eu = hardly use in lhaovo

eo = hardly use

0i = poi'' = celebration

oe = hoe = breath taking sound

Sunday, 17 August 2008

Lhaovo Lesson Introduction

Today in 21st Century and in the age of Globalization ''Lhaovo'' as a small nation we are struggle to stand among giant nations, but we are God's children, we have the right as other nations and people around the world, no less not more!.

My intention is to share my knowledge about Lhaovo's concern and want Lhaovo people to be able to speak and write their own languge and literature.

Most of Lhaovo people are surviving and living under great influence of Jingpho , also one of The Kachins so they tend to be perdominantly overshadow by those people around them but every single Lhaovo knows that they have to promote their Language and literature according to God's will in order the Gospel to be preached to the nations in their native dialect ( heart language).

Here is some lesson to learn for those who want to learn how to write and speak Lhaovo.

Its simple , we will see Roman alphabets in Lhaovo Literature.

just like English we have Consonants and Vowels, but the main point to read Lhaovo correctly is to study its six tones signature which comprise with ;

Thoe qao: (- ) = basic sound ( e.g. ba = sun)
Thoe nyham (-,) = lower sound (kad' ge,= do it)
Thoe lhang'' (-;) = round sound (lo; va' = come over here)
Thoe qhang (-:) = longer song ( kad' lang: = let's do )
Thoe zhaug' (-') = short and stronger sound ( thug' = out or emerge)
Thoe myao (-'') = high and longer sound ( ra'' nga'' mao:= dear my brother)

Consonats are: B , C , D , F , G , J , K , L , M , N , P , Q , R , S , T , V , W , X , Y , Z
Vowels are: A , E , I , O , U.

you will notice that '' H'' is not in consonants list because in Lhaovo ''H'' is like joker , as you learn you will come to see how ''H'' use in Lhaovo. Thanks for your interest in Lhaovo literture. Hope to see you on second lesson.

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Khayaug' qo?

Lhaovo byumyu'' bam thao gyo'' na: ga'' ru re khayaug' re myik' re re ngad ra'' ga: ta'' zai ngad'. Thao gyo'' na: ru wa pe'' nam mung yang ga'' ru re myig vu'' au'' , qi;qhang lo sho' thaug' qhao nae'' khag' qo ngad' ru myig vu'' nae'' qhid' mae c-ra'' tung'' khye' re tung'' ke' qo''

A-so;d-lam wa byu na thao gyo'' yang, pha,ji'' ju-i m-ba yang ngad nae'' , shid' lam ein nae'' wa thaug' qhao ca'' ru m-beim yang , sam wa yham sang ra'' mau'' zo'' m-zoe'' lai lo yang ( ba gau wa ngad' yang re , su g-je ra'' qi:qhang khyo mae bao'' thaug' ra'' khyo''za ngad' byaug naung...) , byid ein nae'' wa tung'' ce' m-vo'' lai lo yang , ngo: we' lo'' thao'' ein nae'' wa l-lam l-khug khyo mae shad' lai lo yang ngad n-va'' ein vo'' myig ra''.

A-na: ba lhaovo byumyu'' qi tung''ce' , sam'' ve, vo'' , l-lam l-khug vo'' mung phan a-sang re ba mung; qi; qhang lo; na va'' ru re vo'' the' myao ra'', ngad yang re su g-je we' ka'' re gyai thao gyo'' na shi'' ga'' ru re re vo'' ba ru ngad' , lhaovo byumyu'' bam cao jab shad' khyo'' mae'' qi;qhang lo sho' thaug qhao nae'' wa l-sae'', l-ha re m-ngad, sh-phyu , sh-no' bam re m-ngad nae''... ..Lhaovo byumyu'' qi:qhang lo nae'' wa Lhao nau'' nao ngo alhab qo yao ngad a-va'' ga'' ru re beim'' gyang'' lo mung yham sang na: ra'' , jo,qo mae aung ra'' gu'' mae'' Lhaovo byumyu'' qhid' mae'' thaug' qhao na g-lang ein qam lao'' ke ra'' o''..

Lhao nau'' bam a-lhab Mo''so ra'' min gam je:ju vo'' yu bam shao: o''..

Monday, 4 August 2008

Myig vu'' g-lang o''??

Jhid'de, ra'' lhao nau'' bam alab' re pyang dao: ta'' nug ra'', pyang dao: we' d-ga'' myig vu'' nae'' khyo re ngad nae''...

Lhaovo bam yham sang myeng'' thoe khyo'' pa''caung kad' ca'' i''?
Kad' ca'' ga'' lao'' pe'' mung kad' ca''?
M-kad' ca'' ga: lao'' re pe'' mung m-kad' ca'' ga'' ru myig vu'' g-lang.

Lhao tung''ce' we' sam''ve, khyo re tau; to' ci: ye'' lo'' ca'' i''? ca'' re pe'' mung:? m-ca'' ga lao'' re pe'' mung ga: ru myig vu'' gai.

Lhao nau'' qi phaug myeng'' jhau re gai i''? m-gai: i''?

Lhaovo Phung: we' KBC ra'' xo' taui khyo kharu kad' re gai nae''? San san kad' nae'' , m-ngad' re wa d-ga'' kad ye'' re gai nae'' i''?

C-ra'' dao: myid? bam alab' re nghe' vu'' myig vu'' mung d-ja: ja ta'' nug' lao'' comment gai byid' ra'' khyo re ta'' ke' qo'' ra'' o''.....

Friday, 1 August 2008

Lau dao: d-qhae:

USA dam-ma-da' mhyi'' Laura Bush wa Dam-ma-da' George W. Bush we' mung Laha mang: khyo Olympic poe'' mo'' ye nae'' ngad' , laha mang: li'' au'' Thai we' Korea mang: khyo re lae'' joe'' nae'' ngad ga vo'' gyo: ra''. Thai we' Myen mang: mang; kyo mae'' Refugee kem' we' Me-do: cid'rung'' khyo re li'' vu'' kam; nae'' ngad.

Joe'' lo nae'' August 3-7 re, UN, mungkan up khang'' phung ra'' Myen mang: we' seng ra'' lau: de, vo myen mang khyo li'' nae'' ngad' , yao wa myen mang atsu''ya' we' mang: khug' mae'' byu myu'' cao jab we' xu-su bao'' thaug' phung bam alab we' qhug' nae'' ngad' ga'' ru vo'' gyo: ra''.