Saturday, 22 May 2010

Lhaovo are Kachins not Maru

To Whom It May Concern

Dear brother and sister of the world,

We all want mutual respect and recognition from others, that's perfectly natural for individual and as a nation and tribe. So please read this and get educated about Lhaovo people of Myanmar. If you love yourself and respect your nation, I am sure you will fully understand my feeling as I try to restore my dignity.

I am Lhaovo boy from Northern Burma(Myanmar), Kachin State. Lhaovo was previously known as Maru under the social-political situation in Myanmar. For Lhaovo's identity and dignity we would like to be addressed as Lhaovo by any mean and any circumstances.

There are seven tribes of Kachins known as Jinghpaw, Zaiwa, Lacid', Li-su , Rawang , Lhaovo and Nung. Lhaovo are Kachins but not definitely Maru. If someone keep calling Lhaovo as Maru will be considered as uncivilized and discriminated against humanity.

Lhaovo Ra'' Qi; Qhang Khyo

Jhid' de, ra'' mao; nhaung: Lhao nau'' bam e'' , nhyao; mo' Lhaovo bam wa yham sang: ra'' khyid yham sang m-ye; ru zin lam: myo; myo na: lai lo v-nhaung. Lhaovo myen'' thoe re m-jab m-byang'' m-ci mung: Lhaovo ga; m-qo'' qi; qhang ru wa myo, mae dae: dae ngaid ava''.

1980 jan'' mae'' Lhaovo mhyi'' pho'' mao; nhaung: d-myo'' mae'' Lhaovo byu myu'' qhid' myid nghae'' jao: myao; qhid' lo; ko'' ru mae'' ana'' ba nhyao nhae qho' bam; ra'' myen'' thoe khyo'' pa'' caung: qo'' kaid' na va'' ru ngaid. Tung'' ce' sam'' ve, khyo'' mae'' re qi; qhang lo; na ra'' ru re the' myao: ra''. Ce ra'' akhyo alhap' wa Tho' Pho'' Mo''so yao: khyo phung'' khyo shid' lo; ru ngaid va'' ein: khae; yu gai; ra'' o''.

C-ra'' tung'' khye' re tung'' ra'' yaug re; Lhao tung'' ce' re 2007 zin re she, qo'' mho'' ba; yu ru ngaid ra''. Lhaovo byu myu'' myo'' laug lo nae'' we' , l-ba l-jhao ju yi a zhao'' myao; lo nae'' qhid' mae ana'' ta re kao daui: na ra'' nao ngo Lhao nau'' yaug nge, ra'' m-vin m-gai; ra'' qo'' mo'' yao; ngaid a-va'' o''.

Myen mang: geim'' khyo'' ta'' lang ga; lao'' nhyao mo' Lhaovo jham wa gyai thao gyo'' na shi'' ru the' myao; ra'' , nhag' ngai nae'' tau m-ngaid' qam; yu yang: zhaug' tang: ye'' lo'' nae'' tau ngaid ra''.

Mo''so ra'' mang: ding'' cae'' lae lo nae'' qhid' mae Lhaovo bam thaug' qhao ca'', Lhaovo tung'' ce' sam'' ve, gang'' tang: ru we' Lhaovo; su-na su-ye, su-ge, mhye: ru we' azhao'' mhyao; lo nae'' qhid' mae Ju-i khyo, zaui: zo mung ve, khyo , l-lam l-khug , xo' taui: khyo , mang: khyo mug khyo , byu na byu ye, we' tin'' ra'' khyo aja; ja mae qi'' qhang: lo nae'' tau thaug' qhao'' na nae'' re qam: lao'' o: laung: ke' ra'' o''.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Lhaovo Baptist Theological Seminary Graduation 2010

On the 5th of March 2010, Lhaovo Baptist Theological Seminary was held its 2009/2010 Academic year's graduation at Lhaovo Seminary in Shwe Zet, Myitkyina, Union of Myanmar.

The ceremony began by the audiences taking their seats and all rise up as the ministers and staffs ascending to the state. It was in the morning and Church members from Myitkyina areas came to participate as well.

This year four students were graduated with Diploma in Theology. As Lhaovo Seminary entering to a new decade of its established. The school has made significant progress in both teaching facilities and staffs. From 2010/2011 Academic year the school has planned to offer Bachelor of Theology(B.Th) in Burmese and Lhaovo.

As Lhaovo is making progress in various development programs,I personally would like to draw your attention to support Lhaovo Baptist Theological Seminary and pray for it. Lhaovo Baptist Theological Seminary is the heart of Lhaovo people and the core learning centre for all Lhaovo people both near and far as well as domestics and abroad.

Monday, 3 May 2010

Pyo'' ra'' Lhao Nghaui'' Thoe

Dang Qhan Aung Doe, Nae''

Yesu' ra'' kao daui khyo

Lhao myan'' khyo'' ta'' kyo'' to'' ra'' Ye;su' ra'' kao daui khyo re Internet Youtube mae qo'' qu'' tae'' gyo nae'' ngaid a-va''. Thanks to World Language Record Program.

Web link: