Saturday, 27 November 2010

Praise the Lord

Tonight I found out there are so many Lhaovo internet user who use the facebook social network. Its really good to know that Lhaovo are not left behind in IT though less people are able to access to the internet.

My message to the Lhaovo internet user is '' please promote your identity as Lhaovo by any mean and as much as you can''. Why do I say like this? because we are just a few handful people, if we don't use our language and we don't upgrade our identity who else will bother about us?. Nowadays the world has become global to glocal, no matter where we are, we can contact and communicate each other quiet easily via email and social network.

I would suggest one of us can create a group over youtube or facebook or even gmail group to talk about us as Lhaovo. Let's make Lhaovo known every nations that we are God's people who worship him and praise him honour him in the 21st Century.

Do not look down on your fellow brothers and sisters for they are always there for you even when the whole world turn against you. There is a saying '' blood is thicker than water''.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Never Give Up

jhid'de ra'' lhao nau'' jham jhao'',

suna azhao'' mhyao nae'' tau thaug' qhao na bam ra'' lhao nau'' mao; nhaung jham re
tho' Pho'' Mo''so qu'' gam min byid' na shao: ein jhaung: mho' myid beim'' na ra''.

Pe'' ru'' qug' khai qhug ngaid m-se'' Mo''so we' byumyu'' qhid' mae aung ra'' gu'' mae'', yham sang na; ra'' jo,qo we' mau'' zo'' mae thaug' qhao na gelang: lhe''.

M-myao''' ra'' ayo, mae nhyao mo' byumyu'' suna ba ru: bao yaung'', kyi ru: lho'' ru bao; yaung'' li'' nae'' myid gaung theim m-shaid' yao; va''.

Do you best and the rest God will take care of it.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Lhaovo Churches

Since 1980s Lhaovo people have put great effort in planting and building Lhaovo speaking churches among Lhaovo people. By the Grace of God today, the life of Lhaovo Baptist Churches have come to more than twenty years old, the churches are making progress in building the Kingdom of God. Nevertheless Lhaovo are still need to grow in much more aspects such as communication, multi media, building prjects and organization structure along with administration.

In Waimo, the city next to the capital of Kachin State has been the major city for Lhaovo. The city host the office of Lhaovo Churches Association, Cultural and Literature Association. In Shwezet, Myitkyina stand Lhaovo Theological Seminary. We all proud to be Lhaovo and continue to support the building of Lhaovo Churches and community where our people reside.

I would like to invite all Lhaovo on behalf of Lhaovo to join our community and churches in order to maintain our national identity whilst seeking the spiritual enlightenment. God has given us the oppotunity to become as Lhaovo, so let's us adore and worship Him in God given language.

Thanks for reading and if you should have any quries about Lhaovo and Lhaovo Churches please do not hesiate to contact one of Lhaovo Church near you or write a comment and leave your message on Cbox on this blog. I will try my best to find way to assit in your desire to join our community.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Ana'' ba ra'' lo'' thao'' lau dao:

BBC we' VOA ra'' lo'' thao'' lau dao: re zhao; kyo nae'' ga'' lao'' wa,
England mang: mae maug khyug zhaung: Jung nau'' jham ra'' Jung phug' re d-zin sam taung mae'' gug taung khyo to' ke' ra'' akhyo qo'' ba ra''. 2012 mae'' wa Jung nau'' d-yaug ra'' d-zin Jung phug' wa England ngaui gug taung:( myen ngaui tig 150 ko ngaid nae'') ga''.

Ai mung: USA mae wa ana'' Jhaung up( President) kaid' na ra'' Barack Obama ra'' Party Democratic party wa House of Representative ga'' ra'' mang: lau; de, phung: mae seim'' na ra'' ga'' ru qo'' ba ra''. C-ra'' akhyo wa joe'' lo nae'' 2012 USA Election mae Republican jham dam; aung nae'' ra'' akhyo re qo'' bao'' thaug' nae'' ga'' ru re ta'' na ko'' ra'' .

Germany mae wa myo, m-myao; ra'' byu sam yaug re , lo'' thao'' azhao'' mhyao thao'' ra'' myo, kying: re te' byid' ru myo, d-jhid' jhid' qo'' myao veko'' ga'' ru qo''gyo'' ra''. Cara'' akhyo ce-tho' je: aung myaug lao'' wa myo, m-myao; jham ra'' qhid' gyai: yao; ngaui bau'' qo'' ra'' lau dao: ngaid ra'' ga''.

Ana'' au ba vao mang: mae'' bao re m-ngaui: ra'' ba thug' a-gaung: mang: tau mae'' g-la mao; nhaung; jham wa baug go, nae'' ra'' zai jham re dai'' deig na ko'' ru qo'' gyo'' ra''. Ai ra'' zai jham wa zai lham; khae yu yaug re shid' shao: ga'' ra'' khyo'' dai'' ke' ru ga'' ru qo'' ba ra''. Zai ai jham re ba vao mang: England dao; lha pa; mae qo'' taung'' pye' ko'' ru ga'' o'' .

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Lhao nau'' bam ra'' suna khatau mae??

Jhid'e, ra'' Lhao nau'' mao; we , nhaung: we we'' ,

Qao'' na ko'' ra'' i'' ein lo, zaui'' ke' ra'' o''.
Ana'' joe'' lo nae'' ba ne, re wa nhyao; nhae qho' bam ceim'' qham na bam ra''
mang: mae President khying zai va'' ga'' ru the' gyo'' ra''.

Yao'' jo, qo we' jo, qo vogaung: khao; ngo'' mae re: mang: khyo mae vin vo, nae'' ra'' lau;de, re ceim'' khying bam zai ngaid' ga'' ru qo'' ba ra''. Cara'' akhyo we' tin'' yang: myen mang: we' mang: khao mang: ngo'' mae joe'' na ra'' Lhao nau'' jham kharu: myid na ko'' laug' ein ba nug; kyi:.

Nhyao; mho' suna wa aja; ja khyo'' mae'' ana'' shi'' qi; qhang: lo; na ru mae atam'' aphyid' jham myo; sho' jo, ru mae'' d-ba we' d-ba je; qi; qhang lo nae'' tau wa mang: khyo we' re: gyai yao; tin'' ra'' ga'' ru re m-gai; to'' myid' bam o''. Lhaovo byumyu'' qi ra'' suna , tung'' ce' , sam'' ve, we' zaui: zo mung ve, qi; qhang: khyo'' mae qo'' bao'' qo'' thaug' ra'' Lau; de bam re jo,qo byid: khying: to' ke' nae'' wa Lhao mhyi'' pho'' mao; nhaung: bam ra'' lo, khug mae yao: ngaid' ava'' o''.

Qug qae'' khyo jo, ra'' , m-gai boe'' nae'' ein ra'' myid re to'' pye' mung: qug' ru mae'' gai; boe'' gu thaug qhao na bam gelang: ein o; laung: ke' ra''. Lhaovo jham ra'' akhyo re mang; zug qi re qo'' ta'' zhao; kyo nae'' Lau; de, jham myo; myo; thug' li'' ca'' va''. Lhaovo khyo'' mae'' myen mang: mae na; ra'' byumyu'' cao jab re jhui'' au: she qo'' ra'' azhao'' khyo qo'' joe'' lo sho' thaug' qhao na gelang o''.

Cara'' akhyo qo'' boe'' doe, sho' m-yab m-yu: , thaug' qhao na bam re wa d-ba d-ne, re nhyao; nhae qho' myid nghae'' ra'' Lhaovo suna azhao'' mhyao; ru we' qi; qhang ra'' byumyu'' boe'' doe, nae'' wa myid gaung theim m-shaid' yao va''.

Lhaovo re jhid' ra'' lhao nau''