Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Essential Sentences in Lhaovo

Ngo Lhaovo ngaid ra'' = I am Lhaovo.
Qao'' na ra'' i''? = How are you?
Qao'' na ra'' = I am fine.
Jeju so'' ra'' = Thank you.
Dam: qhug' lang: lhe'' = See you again.
Zo zo: va'' i''? = Have you finished your meal?
Zo: va'' = Yes, finished.
Mazo: shi = Not yet.
Jhid'de, ra'' Lhao nau'' jham we'' = Dear Lhaovo brothers and sisters.
Ana'' ru: qo'' qhug' ru ngaui bau'' ra'' = Glad to meet you.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Thoe lhai: khyaug' ja:( six symbols of tone)

English Lhaovo Tone

Sun Ba Basic or Simple tone
Fish Ngo: Long tone
Bird Ngho' Sharp or Upper tone
Hand Lo, Lower or Under tone
Broken Go; Long and Round tone
Moon Lho'' High tone

Six tones in order would be as follow:

Ba Ba: Ba' Ba, Ba; Ba''
La La: La' La, La; La''(heavy)
Ca Ca: Ca' Ca, Ca; Ca''(need)
Na Na: Na' Na, Na; Na''(day)

The Alphabets Which Do Not Contain In JingPho, Language

Cid' = Wash and Raw Tobacco Leaf
Ca' = Disgust
Ca'' = Need

Fo'khye' = Green Tea
Fao'' = Let in
Fo' = Leaf or Hide

Qid = Water
Qo, = Chicken
Qo'' = Have

Vo = Village
Vo, = Pig or Lift
Va'' = Far

Wa = is
Wa, = be
Wo'' = may it be

Xa Shi: = Bullet
Xao = Elephant
Xaosu = Human
Xam: = Recognize

Bam Sam Xe = Thirty Mountains
Laung Byid Lao Mo'' = The Ayarwaddy River
Ngo Nao Re Jhid' Ra'' = I Love You
Beim'' Ra'' = Miss You

Monday, 28 March 2011

Lhao Tung'' Ce' Kharu: Tung'' Nae'' (How To Write Lhaovo)

Dao: Myhi'' Aqao: (Consonants)

Ba Cc Dd Ff

Gg Hh Jj Kk

Ll Mm Nn Pp

Qq Rr Ss Tt

Vv Ww Xx Yy


Dao: Myhi'' Aqao: Qhan: ( Combined Consonants)

Jh Kh Lh Mh Nh Ph

Qh Rh Sh Th Vh Yh

Mhy Nyh

By Gy Ky My Ny Py

(Br Dr Gr Kr Jr Sr Khr Thr)
( These are rarely use in Lhaovo but its useful for writing other languages in Lhaovo.)

Thoe Qao: (Vowels)

Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu

Thoe Qao: Qhan: (Combined Vowels)

ae ai ao au aui

ei eu oe oi ui

Ne, mo'' ba dao; tau'' we' tung'' qhu'' nae'' ngaid:

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Malaysia Lhaovo Christians Fellowship

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am very glad to let you know that we, Lhaovo in Malaysia have started bi-monthly worship service in Lhaovo since 2010. Its take place in Setapak, Gelang Genting Kelang, Kuala Lumpur. The next service will be on 29th of March 2011. please contact Mho''myhi'' Dai Zhae'' 176534935 for further details.

Please do come to worship with us and share your blessings with your fellow brothers and sisters. How great is Thou Arts.
If you would like to know more about the service please contact at or .

Let's us praise , worship and give thanks to our Lord, God and Christ our Saviour through Holy Ghost with our mother tongue and native language.

Mo''so: mang a yaung'' lho'' jo, veshao: o'' Amen.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Diamond Jubilee Celebration

Dear all ,

I am glad to report you all that we Lhaovo Baptist Churches from north-eastern Shan State are celebrating our Diamond Jubilee to mark the 75th anniversary of receiving the Gospel in the region. In March 23-25 at GangMeing'' village Kunlone Township all participants are wearing their traditional dresses in uniform lining up for the traditional dance called Zam.

Leaders from Lhaovo Churches around the country, various Christian denominations and Non-Profit Organizations have attended the ceremony with joy and honour. I will update the latest footage once I get it. God Bless You All.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Co' Phyid' Mug: Khyo Dam: Joe'' Au:

Ngo co' phyid' ra'' jo,qo re to; co' mung: yham mug: we' va'' ra'' jo,qo mae na; lhang: qin'' ru ayo, khyo'' ga'' re xe zin ngaid thao re nga'' ra'' co' phyid' mug: khyo dam; joe'' co' va''.

O'' bam samxe we'' Nao wa dao: ce' zaung'' taung'' yao: ngo dam; lo nae'' re lao'' na nhaung i''...
Nao re myao; ke' re ngo gyai myid pyo'' ru we' nhag' mae zao'' ra'' lhe''
Lhao nau'' jham re qu'' gam bao'' thaug' yu shi: la, lhe''

Bam samxe nao gang'' tang yaung'' lho'' bao kyi; na ru we' d-khyo:
Lhaovo byu myu'' gang'' tang mung: suna suge, qi: qhang lo nae'' tau ta'' peim byid la, lhe''

Nao myao; na ra'' Gudkhai: , Ga: Leng , Nam Ma , Mo Qhid', Saphyu'' , Na'' Vai , Loi: Kang , Loe: Khang , Lung Lang'' Pa , Mung Ji , Mung'' Hom , Mung Gu , Phong'' Seng mae'' Nao jhid' ra'' Lhao nau'' bam re Lhaovo mau'' zo'' mae
mayab jo, na lo: beim; gyang ca'' va'' ein ta'' byid la, lhe''

Phan'' Asang byid' to'' ra'' nyhao; mho' ra'' suna re azhao'' mhyao , qi: qhang gang'' tang myo'' laug je bai'' lo sho' zaui: so'' nae'' wa Lhao mang mang; ra'' Lhao nau'' nao ngo ra'' qo yao: ngaid va'' o''.