Friday, 26 June 2009

Micheal Jackson

Micheal Jackson wa lai lo; va'' 1958 mae khau; li'' mung ana'' zing 2009 June khye' 25 ba; ba re asang mae yab pyo'' lo'' va''. Yao; wa kao ngo'' zing'' shi'' mae'' yao: ngaui'' thoe nghaui'' ra'' nghaui'' sang khyo'' na; qi'' lo; ru ngaid. 1982 re yao; ra'' A Te; ngaui'' paug' (Single Album)d-lam pyo; ke' va'' ai wa mungkan byu bam gyai o ngaui ru we' qam byid' yu; ru vo'' yu va''. Lai; lo ra'' 2001 zin re yao'' ra'' lo'' thao'' nghaui paug' thug ru ngaid ga'' re the' ba; ra'' .

Yao; wa nhyao naung'' ana'' ba; zin yo lam; 21 re vu'' na; bam ra'' MTV( Music Video) pe'' re a zhao'' mhyao sho' jui'' kaid' thaug qhao lo yaug' ngaid ru we' yao'' ra'' Mo''so byid ra''A zham we' zin lam; sam xe gu'' mae'' aung myaug thao'' ra'' nghaui'' sang(Artist) boe'' lai lo va''.

Ai tho' mae yao; mae vu'' yu nae'' jao; wa yao; wa nghaui'' paug' vo'' aung'' ra'' ngaui re byu myo; myo qhid' mae'' ga; yang MTV qhid' mae'' ngaui ci; , jai ra'' ga'' ru ngaid ra''.

Yao; re byid to'' ra'' a zhao'' wa (King of Pop)Pop nghaui'' zug ngaid ga''o''.

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Pho'' ba dug no; ba

Nghaui'' thoe ngaid:

Nga-nhae qho re khau mhyung , zho; jhaug' qhi'' ra'' pho'' e ,
ni'' je''ju nga-nhae qho' dao mae ta'' m-aung lo;
Nga-nhae; qho' no; phyo: au: au dao: lo, kai jhaung mho'
Pho'' kyi: khyang' gu pe'' tho' ein nae'' ,

Pho'' re , shaid mung qobo: jham , jhid' de, myid we' khyaid byid la o''
Pho'' nhag' shid ra'' zo; dau boe'' sho' nga-nhae qho' thaug' qhao ye; nae''

Mugkhaung: tho' mae'' Tho'Mo''so e'' .. Pho'' re.... myeng yo, cae'' tae'' jhaung xe , qao'' zing'' ngaui bau'' jhaung xe.. zing gaung yo, mae'' mug ru sheim byid shi la o...........Amen.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Ngaui Qhang, Mao; Nhaung Jham Tho' Mo''so re Lam G-lang

The other day I was listening to a news interview on television of someone who lost a substantial amount in a recent financial scheme. She was justifiably upset as she told the reporter, "I put my trust in the system–I put my trust in the financial system, the political system, and the justice system, and they failed me."

I don't know about all the details of her situation or what exactly she went through, but as I thought about her statement, it reminded me just how fortunate we are that we can put our trust in our God who will never fail us. He will never leave us nor forsake us, and He will never let us down! The stock market might fail us, our employer might let us down, people can lead us the wrong way, but God will never lead us the wrong way. You can have confidence in His Word because His Word stands true forever. Even when it seems like everything else has failed you, God is still there. He will pick you up and make a way for you because you put your trust and hope in Him.

If you are going through a difficult time, if people and systems have let you down, put your trust in God. Remember, He is working behind the scenes on your behalf. Declare it by faith today–just say out loud, "Father God, I know You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. I put my trust in You. I know my best days are right out ahead of me. Thank You for leading and guiding me in the good plan You have for me!"

Some trust in and boast of chariots and some in horses, but we will trust in and boast in the name of the Lord our God (Psalm 20:7, AMP).

Monday, 15 June 2009

Prayer & Praise

Praise that God has a purpose for Lhaovo people to be his witnesses to the nations of the world, so that his chosen men and women had brought the gospel to us. Our forefathers had gladly accept and received it from the bottom of their hearts and passed it to the next generation. Praise for Lhaovo literature which will help us to grow as the people of God.

Pray for Lhaovo Old Testament Translation Project. If its not started yet then pray for it so that it will take place very soon.

Pray for Lhaovo Bible Seminary, which is situated in Shwezet, Myitkyina, Myanmar that students will cope with their studies and grow in their spiritual life. Pray for principal, vice-principal and lecturers and staff to have wisdom and patience to manage, teach and help. Pray for this Academic year and this year's graduation and graduates in serving the Lord in different ministries.

2006 N0v date we' mung Internet dao mae jhaung mho' bao'' nae'' tau qam; lao'' ra'' khyo vo'' myao ru re d-jhid' dam tung'' laug' mung dam; gae kyo'' ke' ru ngaid .

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Qi;qhang nae'' tau Lhao tung'' ce' re phug' te' ci; na g-lang

Jhid' de, ra'' lhao nau'' mao; nhaung bam , yham sang tung'' ce' re tung'', nghe' ru we' phug' te' ci; ye'' lo'' g-lang lhe'' , nga'' ra'' tung'' so bam re re nghe' ru we' shaid' ru pe'' re re shid' kyo'' lo g-la, ein qam; lao'' ke' ra'' .

Ngo tung'' ra'' lhao tung'' ngo dam; nghe' re lao'' gyai nghe' qug' ru ga'' ra'', shaid' ru pe'' re qo m-yu lo; za nyao; nhae qho' ra'' tung''ce' a-zhao'' myao lo nae'' tau ceim'' thaug' qhao ye'' lo'' nae'' re myid nghae'' ra''.

Lhao nau'' bam internet ba; ci lo nae'' we' , internet gai; ci ra'' mang; khai khyo vo'' thug' nae'' tau re ca'' ru re the' myao ra'' . Je; yau gying ru kam'' khai joe'' joe'' yham sang wa lhao nau'' ngaid , khazang shi; khavo byu ngaid ga'' ru khanae'' re xam; nae'' ngaid a-va'' , m-ngaid re wa thao gyo'' na ru me'' byaug lo'' nae'' thug' ra'' .

Mo''so phan'' ra'' byumyu'' ngaid ein; lam'' ra'' , yao; re caung'' nghaui'' nae'' tau lhao myeng'' jo, ru ngaid n-va'' , Mo''so wa qi; qhang na we' d-khyo lhaovo byumyu'' re qi; qhang ye'' lo'' nae'' ngaid.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Jhaung mho' ra'' byu shid' yaug khyo

D-lang re'' byu d-yaug wa Mo''so jhao'' bin;bu'' yaung'' dig ru d-bu'' byid la, ga; mho' ga'' , Mo''so wa bin;bu'' m-thao yao; re zau; keim keim; ra'' a-gae nau'' byid' ga'' ...Ai we' d-jung; za byu d-yaug dam; ngaid re wa Mo''so jhao'' butterfly mho' ga'' , ai re Mo''so wa yao; re butterflly qhid' mae'' laug daung; nau'' byid' ga'' ..

Byu ai shid' yaug' wa Mo''so re nhag' mai'' a-ko'' ga'' , yao; shid' yaug mho' ru re wa m-byid' ru.... M-ngaid' ru, m-mho' ru re byid' ra'' ga nhang'' a-ko''. Ai thao: m-myao'' re zau; keim keim; za ra'' a-gae mae'' yaung'' dig ra'' bin;bu'' bu'' li'' re myao; we' d-khyo'' za laug daung; nau'' ngaid yang re gyai yaung'' ra'' butterfly boe'' li'' ru re vo'' myao yang ngaui bau; m-thao'' ngaid ko'' ga'' .

Mo''so wa nhyao jhaung; mho' re khanae'' re byid' ra'' ga'' ngaid yang re nhyao naung'' ngo; ru we' ca'' ru re Mo''so ba; ra'' ga''..

Mo''so min vo'' na g-shao; aw''.