Monday, 15 June 2009

Prayer & Praise

Praise that God has a purpose for Lhaovo people to be his witnesses to the nations of the world, so that his chosen men and women had brought the gospel to us. Our forefathers had gladly accept and received it from the bottom of their hearts and passed it to the next generation. Praise for Lhaovo literature which will help us to grow as the people of God.

Pray for Lhaovo Old Testament Translation Project. If its not started yet then pray for it so that it will take place very soon.

Pray for Lhaovo Bible Seminary, which is situated in Shwezet, Myitkyina, Myanmar that students will cope with their studies and grow in their spiritual life. Pray for principal, vice-principal and lecturers and staff to have wisdom and patience to manage, teach and help. Pray for this Academic year and this year's graduation and graduates in serving the Lord in different ministries.

2006 N0v date we' mung Internet dao mae jhaung mho' bao'' nae'' tau qam; lao'' ra'' khyo vo'' myao ru re d-jhid' dam tung'' laug' mung dam; gae kyo'' ke' ru ngaid .

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