Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Myen mang: mae ngaui mugsug' malaug: ci

Myen mang: mae ngaui mugsug' malaug: ci yang: ngaui mangaid' ra'' mugsug' khye' re ngaui ra'' gaung tha'' ci nae'' tau zo: shaug' seing: jham , gai aung: seing: jham ci ko'' ra'' ru re Asuya' jham ma-o ngaui ko'' ga''. Aimung: ai ra'' mugsug' khye' ci ra'' akhyo re tam'' na ko'' ra'' ga'' ru qo'' ba ra''.

Ngaui 50 kye' ru we' 100 kye' ru majo: byaug, yang: ai ra'' gaung tha'' cid'khug' we' myo, said' mugsug' pe'' re ci; na ca'' ra'' ga'' ru Yangon qan'' mae'' fo'khye' seing: mae'' bao ta'' ru re qo''gyo'' ra''.

Aimung: dam: dalam: wa UK Asu''ya' wa Libya mang: yaug yo, nae'' tau ju-yi su mo,zhan nhao: ke' va'' ga''. Ai ra'' lau:de, jham wa Libya Asu''ya we' gye bag: na bao: ra'' agyo: mae gye khyo , byin phye'' khyo mae ju-yi byid nae'' tau ngaid ga ta'' ako''. Jhid,de ra'' byin cao: nao pe'' mung: myidgye, mae gye se' se' na ko'' ra'' ga'' ru re myid qu'' va'' i''? Kharu: dao'' ngae ra'' ? Nao dao'' ngae ru pe'' re ta'' nug lao'' gai: xo' taui'' ra'' lhe''.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

England Mang: Akhyo

March lho'' khye' 27 ba ba mae'' wa England mang: mae'' ayo, re thao khyo dagaung dam; zaid, ke' va'' ru ngaid. Dam: joe'' lo nae'' October lao'' wa qhid' khyo dagaung dam: phyaid ke' zai ngaid ra''. Zin khao: ngo'' March khye' we' October khye' re Ayo, tha'' ako'' ngaid ra''. Ceru: ayo, tha'' ca'' ru wa Englang mang: ra'' myidgye, joqo, mathao yang ngaid ra''. March khye' mae'' wa xaung: thug' va'' ru ngaid ra'' , xaung: re wa ba qhang mung: ne, seim no' deig re'' mug' bo'' mung: myi'' 9 na:yi je joe'' sho' bo'' bao jo, na shi'' ra'' khyo ngaid ra''. Dazin re lho'' khyaug' khe' ba qhang qo'' mung: lho'' khyaug' khye' wa ba bo'' bao re ma-myao boe'' ra''.

Ana'' ba April 9 , bo'' ba re wa Grand National ga'' ra'' myao: khyin poe mo'' re kaid' na bam; ako''. myao: samxe: byid dau: we' myao: jui: bao: 34 yaug khyin: ru re byu 70,000 bam ceim'' qu'' mung: khadau: aso: 1 qo'' nae'' aso: 2, 3, 4,.... qo'' nae'' ga'' ru pe'' re tag, keim'' mung: pyo'' na: bam: ako''. England mang: ra'' sab ja: wa Football we' Myao: jui ngaid ava'' ngaid ra''.

Nyhao mo, Lhaovo bam re: byu qam: mamyo: malaug ngaid mase'' na: ra'' gu yao; yao'' jo,qo mae'' yao'' ayo, we' ayo, phag' mung: khyin poe pe'' re kaid' byid ca'' nae'' ein qo'' myid ra''. Cara'' akhyo wa byumyu'' qi:qhang khyo we' myid qam: qo'' mung: mau'' zo'' zaui: so'' nae'' akhyo , byuna byuye, khyo mae qi: qhang lo nae'' akhyo mo'' dalam: ngaid ra'' ein the' myao ra'' o''.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Yaung'' lho'' ra'' ba ngaid shao: o''

Jhid'de ra'' Lhao nau'' jham joe''na ra'' jo,qo mae zaui: so'' ra'' mau'' zo'' bin sho' mae Mo''so bao leim'' byid' ru we' aung doe, aung myaug ra'' jeju qo'' yu na vegashao: ein jhaung: mho' myid beim'' na ru ngaid o''.

May God Bless You All and Keep You All Well.

Monday, 4 April 2011


ေလာ္ေဝၚေတြ အေၾကာင္းတေစ့တေစာင္း..


ကခ်င္လူမ်ဳိးစုေတြထဲက တစ္မ်ဳိးၿဖစ္သည္။ ကခ်င္လူမ်ဳိးစုေတြကေတာ့ ဂ်ိန္းေဖာ့၊ ရဝမ္၊ ဇုိင္ဝါး၊ လခ်ိဒ္၊ လီဆူ ႏွင့္ ေလာ္ေဝၚ ဟူ၍ရွိေနခဲ့ရာ မွ ယခုအခါ ႏုန္မ်ဳိးႏြယ္စု ထပ္တုိးလာၿခင္းၿဖင့္ စုစုေပါင္း ကခ်င္မ်ဳိးႏြယ္စု ခုႏွစ္စု ရွိပါသည္။ ေလာ္ေဝၚမ်ားသည္ ေဖာ္ေရြေသာ လူမွူဆက္ဆံေရး ရွိၿခင္း၊ ရုိင္းပင္းကူညီမွုူ တြင္လက္မေႏွးၿခင္း စသၿဖင့္မိမိတုိ.ေရာက္ရိွရာအရပ္မွလူမ်ဳိးတကာတုိ.ႏွင့္ေကာင္းမြန္စြာဆက္ဆံ


ေလာ္ေဝၚစာေပ ကုိ ၁၉၇၄ ခုႏွစ္တြင္ အစုိးရမွတရားဝင္ စာေပအၿဖစ္ မွတ္ပုံတင္ေပးၿပီး ၿဖစ္သည္။
၁၉၉၉ ခုႏွစ္တြင္ေလာ္ေဝၚစာေပ (၂၅)ႏွစ္ေၿမာက္ ဇမ္ေဂါပြဲၾကီးကုိ ေအာင္ၿမင္စြာက်င္းပႏွုူိင္ခဲ့ ၿပီးၿဖစ္သည္။
ေလာ္ေဝၚစာေပရွင္သန္ တုိးတက္ေရး ႏွင့္ ေလာ္ေဝၚယဥ္ေက်းမွူ ဖြံၿဖိဳးေရး ကုိ ေလာ္ေဝၚစာေပႏွင့္ယဥ္ေက်းမွုူ ေကာ္မတီကတာဝန္ယူေဆာင္ရြက္လ်က္ရွိသည္။


ေလာ္ေဝၚမ်ားသည္ မိရုိးဖလာနတ္ကုိးကြယ္ခ့ဲၾကရာမွ ၁၉၀၀ ေနာင္းပုိင္း ခရစ္ယာန္သာသနာကုိ ေနာင္ေတာ္ဂ်ိန္းေဖာ့တို.ထံ မွတဆင့္လက္ခံရ ရွိခဲ့ၾကရာမွ ခရစ္ယာန္ ဘာသာဝင္မ်ား ၿဖစ္လာခဲ့ၾကသည္။ ယခုအခါေလာ္ေဝၚႏွစ္ၿခင္းခရစ္ယာန္အသင္းေတာ္မ်ား ကုိ
ေလာ္ေဝၚအမ်ားစုေနထုိင္ရာေနရာမ်ား၌ေတြ.ရွိရပါသည္။ ေလာ္ေဝၚဓမၼက်မ္းစာေက်ာင္းကုိ ၿမစ္ၾကီးနားၿမိဳ.ေၿမာက္ဘက္ ေရြုစက္ရပ္ကြက္ တြင္တည္ရွိပါသည္။ ေလာ္ေဝၚခရစ္ယာန္အသင္းခ်ဳပ္ရုံးမွာ ဝုိင္းေမာ္ၿမိဳ.တြင္တည္ရွိပါသည္။ ခ်ီေဖြ၊ ေဆာ့ေလာ္၊ ပန္ဝါ၊ ဝုိင္းေမာ္၊ ၿမစ္ၾကီးနား၊ မိုးမိတ္ ႏွင့္ ကြန္လုံ ္ဇုံနယ္ ဟူ၍ အသင္းေတာ္ဇုံနယ္စုစုေပါင္းေၿခာက္နယ္ရွိေနၿပီၿဖစ္သည္။ ေလာ္ေဝၚမ်ားေနထိုင္ရာေဒသမ်ားမွာ ကခ်င္ၿပည္နယ္ေၿမာက္ပုိင္း ေမခ မလိခၿမစ္ ၾကားႏွင့္ အေရွ.ဘက္ၿခမ္း ၊ရွမ္းၿပည္နယ္ေၿမာက္ပုိင္း ႏွင့္အေရွ.ဘက္ႏွင့္ ရန္ကုန္ ၊ မႏၱေလးတုိ.တြင္ေနထိုင္ၾကပါသည္။

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Happy Mothers Day (United Kingdom)

Today is Mothers Day in UK, as a Church Southall Baptist Church celebrate Mothers Day by allowing a Woman minister to deliver a sermon. The sermon was about Exodus 3 , when Moses was called by God to bring the people of Israel from the Babylon, where they were enslaved by the Egyptians.

She talked about having confidence in God, and know who you are, who your master is and what he wants you to do. Do not give excuses nor dismay or fear because God is going to be with you and guide you, give you the wisdom that you need in order to perform the task that He gave you. Finally, she talked about her difficulties to pronounce English accurately, she encouraged the members of the Church by giving her own weakness about tongue problem that she has and say even she can serve the Lord with half-tongued, Why are we not able to speak for God with strong and healthy tongues.

She gave a very good and funny joke about a Srilankan guy who don't speak English much trying to buy some Chicken in the super-market. When he was unable to find chicken and wondering, a sale assistant came to him and asked him what was he actually looking for. He told her to stop questioning and pick up an egg in front of him and said '' Where is the mother?''. So the sale assistant know he is looking for chicken and showed him the Chicken.

Happy Mothers Day Mum.